Saturday, December 31, 2016

2016 President's Mini Quilt Challenge

Back in October I challenged our guild members to make small quilts inspired by any program or workshop our guild presented this year. Quilts made for the programs would be acceptable (we have a lot of member-led programs here—it’s a great concept) as long as they met the 24” maximum size requirement. Quilts would be on display during our December meeting.

Who doesn’t want a guild show at the end of the year?

Our Steering Committee was completely on board and got busy rounding up gift certificates from area fabric shops for prizes, just to spice things up.

When the members came into our room that Saturday morning the quilts were hanging on the wall and designated with numbers, not names. Everyone present was asked to select the three they liked most, in order*. Viewers used their own criteria and wrote down three numbers. 

In the first slideshow you can see the quilts as they appeared on the wall. For the most part, people couldn’t be sure who made what. You can look at them now and choose your own three favorites.

*I had decided to go for simple majority unless we had a tie. If that had been the case I would have weighted the votes by rank, but that wasn’t necessary.

After people had a chance to vote, I gave each artist a chance to tell us about her quilt: inspiration, colors, design—and the stories were so much fun! Some made us laugh and some made us cry.

I made some ribbons just for fun and pinned them on the quilts as I awarded the prizes. Our top three vote-getters were:

1st Place: Jean Larson 

2nd Place: Gerry Haywood 

3rd Place: Denise Ohlman

However, clearly everyone who participated was a winner. Thanks to everyone who played along with the idea and made our show a reality! I hope you enjoy viewing the galleries and I wish you a 2017 rich with quilty friends and experiences.



  1. Well that stinks! What Internet browser are you using, and are you viewing the blog post on a mobile device or a computer?

  2. Slideshow does not work. Not on FB or you web page 😩

    1. Sorry about that! What Internet browser are you using, and are you viewing the blog post on a mobile device or a computer?
