Treasurer's Report
We have about $2K in our account.
Outreach Report
Two quilts were presented at the Habitat for Humanity home dedication ceremony in January. The recipients were surprised and grateful.
Photo Directory
If you are a member as of January, you will have been emailed a file of the directory. You can print it at home (double sided pages) and sew it together. We will give you updates on new members as they join throughout the year.
Kelly showed us how to get signed up for Instagram. We made a list of our members who are already using it. Our Guild account is @ChattMQG so be sure to follow that! Post any photos of your own modern quilts using the hashtag #ChattMQG.
Thoroughly Modern Minis
We talked about this before. Those who wish to participate will be able to sign up on line in a few days time.
Upcoming Programs
Some of us signed up to help with suggested programs on Simplification, Alternate Gridwork, Modern Traditionalism, Abstraction, and Modern Stitching or Quilting. We also threw the 2017 MQG Charity Quilt Challenge into the program list, anticipating that it will be announced mid-summer.
Our February Program was a sew-in. We divided into two groups and pieced together enough blocks to make our next two Habitat quilts. Volunteers took them home to layer with batting and backing, quilt and bind them.
Show and Tell
Top half: Kelly's baby quilt; a Baltimore Album quilt Shirley is quilting for her friend; Kelly with her food-inspired Pho mini quilt; Gerry's modern sampler.
Bottom half: Patricia's applique; Joan's bag; Janet's quilt of more than a thousand triangles; Patricia's modern quilt inspired by architecture.
Top row from left: Gerry's apron; back of Gerry's quilt; Kim's banner; Kim's quilt from recycled jeans. Bottom row from left: Theresa with her sketch from an architectural photo; her interpretation of the sketch; another interpretation; another interpretation.
Shirley's modern quilt inspired by architecture |