Our Saturday started with an enthusiastic social time, followed with a warm welcome from Sandi. Announcements were made regarding our November Holiday Party. This will be our last meeting of the year and will take place on Thursday evening, November 14th from 6:00–7:30 p.m. at SPOOL. Light refreshments will be served. We have three activities planned for the evening; a Gift Swap, a Door Prize Drawing and of course, Show and Tell. If you would like to participate in any or all of these activities, here's what you need to bring:
- For the Gift Swap: a small handmade gift. Everyone who brings a gift, goes home with a gift.
- For the Door Prize Drawing: Favorite sewing item(s) {ex.: (2) fat quarters, or (1) charm pack or, (2) mini charm packs, notions; pin cushion, or seam ripper, or snips, etc.} These items will go into the Door Prize basket. Everyone who brings an item(s) will have a chance to win!
- Show and Tell.
We need to thank Gayle for bringing this challenge to our monthly meetings. She has done a fantastic job.
Janet updated us on the progress made to join the National MQG. It looks like we are on track to become an official affiliate member in January 2014. More information with regard to membership and dues will be sent through the remainder of the year via email and the blog.
We had a two-part program this month. Debra started the first part of the program with Chapter 11, Embrace Your Curves, from Quilting Modern. She shared her experience with these gentle curves, showed several samples and offered some really great tips:

- Starch your fabric before cutting. She likes to starch lightly on the right side of her fabric with a little heavier starch on the wrong side.
- Sew slowly and adjust your fabric as necessary to move around the curves.
- Don't skip through any of the steps—you will regret it!
Melissa continued the program by sharing her experience from Bernina University 2013 in San Francisco. She showed several new products and software from Bernina, along with their newest machine. More impressive than that, were all the projects she made while there!