Monday, December 31, 2012

Open House for the Chattanooga Modern Quilters

We  had a great turnout, Saturday, December 8, at Sew-Bee-It for our CMQC open house.

The welcoming committee: Pam, Gayle and Sandi.
Sew-Bee-It graciously allowed to display our modern quilts.

 There were lots of tasty treats to snack on!

And a big thank you to Gloria for letting us Modern Quilters invade Sew-Be- It!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


On Saturday the Chattanooga Modern Quilt Guild hosted an Open House and Quilt Show at Sew Bee It Quilt Shop.  We invited all of our quilting communities to join us to find out what "Modern Quilting" is all about.

We had a fabulous turnout!!  Everyone enjoyed getting to know each other and viewing the quilts that were displayed throughout the quilt shop.

Our thanks goes to SewBeeIt for being our host quilt shop and providing us with a lovely door prize which was won by Janet Suber.  Everyone was eyeing that fat quarter bundle with fingers crossed!

We had several guests express interest in joining our group and will be attending our meeting on January 12th to see what we are all about.

Special thanks to Debra Nance for bringing our Logo Badges to us.  She did a superb job with the embroidery on these.  Our thanks to Pam McCallie for the awesome design of our logo.

Our photographer, Jean Larson, will be posting pictures soon and our Challenge Chair, Janet Suber will be posting about our upcoming Madrona Road Challenge from Michael Miller Fabrics.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the January 12th meeting.

Happy Holidays to all!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What is Modern Quilting?

We have had a lot of folks ask "What is Modern Quilting" and now is your chance to find out.  Sew Bee It and the Chattanooga Modern Quilt Guild have modern quilts and projects hung for the month of December!  And many of our guild members have provided their own statements of what modern quilting means to them.

If you are in the south and traveling for the holidays, Sew Bee It is located just off of I-75 at exit 348 in north Georgia, about 1 1/2 miles west of the freeway--a great spot to get out, stretch your legs and enjoy some quilts!

We will kick off the month with an Open House on December 8th, from 10 am to 1 pm.  So if you are in the area, be sure to stop by and see us!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Chattanooga MQG Logo Patch

Hello Gals,

Debra has forwarded me some info for the embroidered logo patch, so bear with me...

If you would like to stitch out your own patch, then let her know the following:
--format and version (such as PES v.5).
--design is set up to stitch on cotton, so if you want to stitch on canvas or a light sheer fabric, let her know and she will make adjustments as needed.

Debra did check with her resources and the lettering at the bottom will be too small, so it will not be on the logo.  I think  this is just a great opportunity for folks to ask "just what is Chatt MQG?"!

If you would like Debra to do the stitching on white, cotton twill, she will be happy to do so.  The first patch will be complimentary and any additional patches will be $5.  If you have a garment or tote that you would like embroidered, contact Debra and she will get you a price based on the degree of difficulty in setting it up.

If you would like her to do your patch as a name tag or badge, she can do that as well.  You would need to provide her your name as you would like it to appear--especially if it is a nickname or unusual spelling.

Hopefully she will have an updated sample soon and I will post a picture when we have one.

A big thank you to Debra for this great way to share our guild!  And Pam for the great logo!!

And don't forget about those challenge blocks.  I can't wait to see everyone's in January!
